When I was younger corrupt public servants
were always some sort of foreign Johnny –
like the chief of police in ‘Casablanca’ –
and events like Covid-19 the result
of utterly unique and totally
unforeseen circumstances not neglect,
incompetence or insouciance,
much less deliberate mayhem.
Now the malfeasance is in plain sight.
The crooks in all but name – public school boys
and their acolytes of all classes
and genders, the useful idiots,
the ready sycophants, the gong-chasers,
the jacks-in-office, and their main stream
media apologists and enablers –
are the same entitled class that purloined
the so-called Elgin Marbles, and had away
with the Benin Bronzes, and murdered
Iraqi Kurds and Kenyan Kikuyu.
Now that, for the masters and the mistresses
of the universe, self-righteousness
is justification enough for greed
and thievery, and self-interest
and the public good are one – unless
you are in receipt of so-called benefits
obviously. So those who, consequently,
die or are maimed are always undeserving
and dispensable. Thus, by default,
Aristotle’s Great Chain of Being
appears not only intact but well-oiled,
the concept of choice of the Establishment –
that exclusive sui generis elite.