We were waiting in the car – in a car park
by a river in spate – for mummy, daddy
and grandma to return. Storm driven rain
was tattooing on the roof but we
were snug playing I spy. ‘What next?’ you said.
‘How about singing me a song?’ I said.
You said, ‘I don’t know what to sing,’ I said,
‘So, let that be the first line of your song.’
We spoke of rhymes and repetitions.
And she made her song by the rushing waters,
sang it clearly, roundly as small angels may.
I don’t know what to sing.
I don’t know what to sing.
I can’t think of anything.
I can’t think of anything.
The songs have gone away.
The songs have gone away.
There are no songs to play.
There are no songs to play.
©Evelyn Chapman and David Selzer 2016
Ashen Venema
February 24, 2017Delightful.
Sarah Selzer
February 24, 2017She still sings this song – and now she’s joined the school choir there are bursts of Pharrell’s ‘Happy’ and S Club 7’s ‘Reach’ but we like to think her first composition will stay with her! If not, we have it recorded on my iPhone which she is an expert at using….
John Huddart
March 1, 2017Wicked!