This river, deeper than most in metaphor,
abundantly fluent in simile,
is in spate. Its frantic, muddy currents
rush from rain-filled mountains, which seas formed, ice shaped.
The unruly, tramelled waters race past fields
with tended hedgerows, and furrows ploughed,
and cattle standing – past the ends of streets, windows blank with light, curb stones unmoved.
The hectic flow roars, downstreams towards us:
its colour turbulent, tarnished gun-metal;
the froth of its creamy foam divided,
severed by the axe-shaped arches of the bridge
we stand on, seemingly safe from the surge.
We raise our voices above the abundance,
above the dissonance.
Mary Clark
February 25, 2022Spring flows down full of ruckus, carrying sights and sounds of debris and life mingling with our voices. I felt I was beside the stream. Thanks.
Catherine Reynolds
February 26, 2022A beautiful expression of geomorphology. I always thought when we were teaching that there was much that could enhance individual subjects (years 10-14) by interdisciplinary approaches. So much in education is about both head and heart.