After the Anschluss and Sudetenland,
before the invasion of Poland,
Bertholt Brecht, in exile from the Third Reich
in a thatched cottage on a Danish island,
posed a question in a short poem –
‘When the dark times arrive will there still be songs?’
As poets tend to do Brecht answered himself.
‘Yes, there will even then be singing – about
the dark times that have come’.
After the arms manufacturer’s profits
have returned to normal, and democratic
politicians’ have devised new distractions
for their electorates, and cheerleaders
who would send other people’s sons and daughters
to war have found new enthusiasms,
and the defeated have been punished,
the pacifists admonished, the victors
exonerated, and much of Africa
and the so-called Middle East has been unpeopled
by famine, and the world continues
to be consumed by fire, drought and flood,
will there still be singing?
Note: For a translation rather than an imitation of Brecht’s ‘In den finsteren Zeiten…’ see Edwin Morgan’s: https://www.scottishpoetrylibrary.org.uk/poem/when-times-darken/.
Mary Clark
June 24, 2022In the dark times we need singing more. Think of the slaves in the U.S. and the Caribbean singing as they worked and in their brief times of rest. Famine and illness, though, can silence people. As long as we can find a bite to eat and keep walking or crawling, some will be singing about the end of the dark times. Even when it seems insane to hope for that end.
Harvey Lillywhite
August 13, 2022You could
Say the Big Bang was the first
Song and all the spiral
Galaxies further
Tunes spinning on the cosmic
Turntable: the individual planets’
Voices, call-and-response
Moons, even tiny
Eddies in a meadow
Brook where nearby
Legions of
Warblers sing up the
Sun and some crazy
Birds warble in the darkest
Night. Never will any of
Us stop our
Throats, our souls
From singing.